WCCM in the UK 2023 Annual Appeal
A message from Roz Stockley, Chair of Trustees   Dear Friends and Fellow Meditators ANNUAL APPEAL – PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE OUR MISSION Firstly, thank you for being a
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A message from Roz Stockley, Chair of Trustees   Dear Friends and Fellow Meditators ANNUAL APPEAL – PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE OUR MISSION Firstly, thank you for being a
The latest issue of Meditation News, the UK Community Newsletter is now available to download and read here. Printed copies should be with subscribers in the middle of September. Some
Over the last few months the Action Group has been considering what might be the best way to go forward with publication and distribution of the UK newsletter. Our colleagues
This second Meditatio letter brings more news of the development of Outreach in the UK and some exciting Climate Crisis International Information that I hope you will be interested to
I am new to the role of Special Interest Coordinator for Clergy who meditate, with a particular focus on contemplative church which is the heart of ecumenism. I am hoping
UK Coordinator’s Letter October 2023 As I move toward the end of my term of office as the UK National Coordinator I would like to think that our community
Why the choice of title? Father Laurence and leaders of WCCM silent retreats have often encouraged participants to write haikus. The wonderful speaker at this year’s UK Conference’, Mark Burrows,
It was a great pleasure to attend the 2023 conference. The opportunity to meet up with fellow meditators, brought the realisation, yet again, of how much our lives were impoverished
The theme of the retreat was about holding the balance between ‘living for others and making space for oneself’. Stefan Reynolds who gave short talks each day very helpfully drew
Last summer, our traditional quarterly gathering of 20 to 30 meditators at Ambleside focussed on the sharing of our experience of ‘living with’ the great spiritual classic known as The
In 1996, a friend visited our home, which back then was in the middle of a forest clearing. She commented, “It’s just like being on holiday in this peaceful place,
Minute by minute my life slips away,How much longer will my heart let me stay?the only gift that I possesslife, isTossed to the wind as I process. Nought do I
Events organised by the WCCM Meditatio Centre and taking place online and/or at the Meditatio Centre in London are listed here. Further details and booking for Meditatio Centre events are
Meditate and pray in the land of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Join Fr Laurence Freeman OSB on an 8-day Contemplative Journey to the Holy Land 2 – 11 October
New Wine, New Skins John Main Seminar 2023 – Online, September 14-17 Led by Cynthia Bourgeault, Andrew Harvey and Laurence Freeman A wineskin was usually made of goat
The latest issue of Meditation News, the UK Community Newsletter is now available to download and read here. Subscribers should have received their printed copy. The main articles are available
Meditation on the Spectrum: A webinar exploring the experience of children and young people with autism and other neuro divergent conditions   will be held online on Thursday 22 June from 1.00 – 3.30
Are you or anyone you know in the UK meditation community interested in taking on the role of editor of Meditation News, our UK newsletter? I have been undertaking the
In November 2003 when I stumbled across the WCCM I never imagined that such a discovery would shape my life. I certainly never envisaged that I would have the privilege
Maybe, like other members in WCCM you have an interest in embodiment? In 2009 someone invited me to learn meditation at their local WCCM group. Peggy Jackson’s living room, in
WCCM in the UK, Registered Charity no. 1189977, is affiliated to The World Community for Christian Meditation.
Our Mission: To communicate and nurture meditation as passed on through the teaching of John Main in the Christian tradition in the spirit of serving the unity of all.
Address:Â PO Box 80029, London, EC1P 1RE
Phone: 020 8095 4442
Email: online contact formÂ
Website administration: administrator contact form
Any gift, no matter how small, will help us sustain this work and achieve our mission of nurturing Christian meditation inclusively around a world in greater need than ever of contemplative wisdom.
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