Lent Reflections

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You can subscribe to Fr Laurence’s daily reflections throughout Lent from the WCCM Mailings page. To sign up, subscribe to the WCCM Daily Mailings and at the options  select Lent and Advent reflections.  If you already receive Daily Wisdom  you can add the Lent reflections from the update subscriptions preferences link at the end of a recent mailing.

These daily reflections  are to help those following them make a better Lent. This is a set time and preparation for Easter, during which special attention is given to prayer, extra generosity to others and self-control. It is customary to give something up, or restrain your use of something but also to do something additional that will benefit you spiritually and simplify you. Running through these readings will be an encouragement to start to make meditation a daily practice or, if it already is, then to deepen it by preparing for the times of meditation more carefully. The morning and evening meditations then become the true spiritual centre of your day.

The Lent reflections are also available here on the WCCM in the UK site.

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