News for clergy who meditate

I am new to the role of Special Interest Coordinator for Clergy who meditate, with a particular focus on contemplative church which is the heart of ecumenism. I am hoping to come to know some of my fellow meditating priests in the UK. and together we can promote meditation and contemplative church in our own areas.

There is a strong sense among many people of faith that God is at work and spiritual renewal is beginning to shine in the world. So we can be optimistic about the future of the church opening ourselves to and being available for God’s work in and through us.

To start with, if you are clergy or know of clergy who meditate I would appreciate knowing a little about you and your contemplative/ meditation experience. Alongside many small meditation groups, I am sure there must be contemplative church also happening in many places already and it would be good to share our experiences with each other.

I would also like to know of clergy who would like to help form an ecumenical network of clergy with this interest. I realise clergy are ever busier in their diverse ministry but a contemplative clergy support group would help hold the space of silence and stillness from which we can serve others.

I would be delighted to hear from you on this issue. Please contact me at

Sue Clarke

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