

This page represents a chronological archive of all news items. You may browse the list and click to view and item, or simply use the search form.


Newsletters – 2023 Issue 2

The latest issue of Meditation News, the UK Community Newsletter is now available to download and read here.  Subscribers should have received their printed copy.  The main articles are available

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Meditation on the Spectrum

Meditation on the Spectrum: A webinar exploring the experience of children and young people with autism and other neuro divergent conditions   will be held online on Thursday 22 June from 1.00 – 3.30

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Newsletter Editor Vacancy

Are you or anyone you know in the UK meditation community interested in taking on the role of editor of Meditation News, our UK newsletter? I have been undertaking the

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Introducing our WCCM Bodywork Contact

Maybe, like other members in WCCM you have an interest in embodiment?  In 2009 someone invited me to learn meditation at their local WCCM group. Peggy Jackson’s living room, in

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Meditatio Outreach News

Meditatio, the outreach arm of WCCM, has just celebrated ten years of exploring sharing the gift of Christian Meditation with the secular world. In particular with those who, because of

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