Newsletter Editor Vacancy

Image: Pixabay

Are you or anyone you know in the UK meditation community interested in taking on the role of editor of Meditation News, our UK newsletter?

I have been undertaking the editor role, alongside Andy Goddard who oversees the layout and production side of the newsletter since 2014 and feel after nearly 10 years it is time to offer the opportunity to someone new. This is a volunteering role; it is done for love, not money!

I have enjoyed the role and it works well splitting the putting together of the newsletter between two people, particularly with Andy who has the necessary desktop publishing skills.

So what does the role of editor comprise? Basically it is overseeing and managing the content, following an editorial policy that maintains a clear focus on WCCM’s mission of sharing the teaching of Christian Meditation according to the tradition introduced by John Main. The role requires only a basic level of digital skill with Microsoft word documents as one needs to proof, correct and edit articles. There is liaison with the UK Coordinator which ensures issues and events relevant to the UK community are covered.

We welcome submissions from readers, often these are write ups of events, reflections on one’s meditation practice or reviews of books on a contemplative theme. Andy and I review the newsletter together once he has done the layout and we are assisted by Pia Huber who collates the events information for each issue.

The time commitment is not onerous, mostly limited to spending several hours over a couple of weeks between the copy deadline and preparing the articles which are then forwarded to Andy for laying out. We have 4 issues a year.

If you are interested and would like to discuss further please contact me at or Andy Goddard (see contact list).

Margaret Comerford

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