Going From Strength to Strength

UK Coordinator’s Letter October 2023

As I move toward the end of my term of office as the UK National Coordinator I would like to think that our community is stronger. But what does that mean?

Two years ago the effects of the pandemic were being felt everywhere by individuals, communities and organisations and reassessments were being made about what is important. We talked about the ‘new normal’ and what that might look like. In the UK about 100 meditation groups had stopped meeting and yet new varieties of online and hybrid groups appeared. Outreach work in Schools and Prisons came to a complete standstill and yet the articles in the previous newsletter demonstrate that once again there is significant activity. And, we have become more aware of being part of a global community through the many online offerings received from Bonnevaux. In all of these ways we could say that we are stronger. At the heart of our community there is a real sense of direction and purpose, a strength which not even a pandemic can stop. Indeed as we saw when that sense is challenged, it can be the catalyst to bring out the best in us. We become empowered to respond. I think this is why I eventually accepted my current role.

We are now at another significant point of change, as there is no obvious successor to take over the role of UK National Coordinator, (please let me know if you would like to volunteer!), however this gives us another opportunity to grow stronger. As a volunteer led community we continually demonstrate the strength in working together and being part of a team. So, as we go into another phase without a National Coordinator I believe we have got to embrace a more team-based approach as our ‘new normal’. Indeed, while writing these words I came across a great illustration from the natural world.- the beehive which is a wondrous example of working together as a complex organised community. Each member plays a crucial role in the hive’s operation and is dedicated to its mission. This works through the combination of clearly defined roles, communication and collaboration.

With all this in mind the Action Group are currently putting together a plan for some reorganisation and simplification of the WCCM in the UK with a renewed emphasis on supporting local online and in person groups and regional initiatives. Hopefully, these plans will be agreed in November at the National Council meeting when those in leadership positions are invited to meet to discuss our future development. Change is not always easy, but with our sense of purpose and direction we will adapt to the new circumstances and make it work.

Our strength is our community and while I need to take a step back from the demands of my current role, I look forward to contributing as we find new and innovative ways to build the WCCM in the UK and share the gift of meditation with the many who are desperately searching.
With grateful thanks to you all for your encouragement and support over the last two years.

Julie Roberts
National Coordinator WCCM in the UK

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