Contemplative Clergy Network – The Seed is Planted

Image by Hans from Pixabay

On 27th November 2023 a new exciting venture unfolded, the launch of the Contemplative Clergy Network. I was delighted to have been invited by Fr Laurence to be part of this launch of international contemplative priests, pastors and deacons who have a passion to see Contemplative Practice grow in our churches and communities. It was a wonderful time of sharing ideas, enthusiasm and experiences as well as encouragement.

After the webinar Fr Laurence wrote to us with the words, ‘The seed is planted. And it will grow to be a global tree serving the gospel with a new kind of clergy.’
In my new role as Special Interest Coordinator for Clergy who Meditate in the UK (yes it is a mouthful!) I hope to do these things.

  • To encourage clergy in their meditation practice
  • To link clergy with other clergy in their area for mutual support, sharing ideas and resources and fellowship
  • To promote Contemplative Church both locally in my area among my colleagues and with clergy in the UK who are also promoting Contemplative Church where they live.

I have been asked if networks should be wider than ‘clergy’. WCCM has always been ecumenical and embraces interfaith friendship and sharing of our commonality, we also have a desire to see Church united and growing spiritually. God is doing something new and we are participating, in our humility, in that divine work of love and friendship.

I have written to clergy on my mailing list, kindly supplied by Sarah Humphreys in the WCCM Office, and had a tremendous response. Many of you are keen to be involved in small networks and I will write back to all of you and try to connect you. If there are clergy in your area who would like to be included, I would love to know.

Sue Clarke
Special Interest Coordinator for Clergy who Meditate

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