Christian Meditation Scotland Retreat

Image: Unsplash

Our retreat was held at St. Mary’s Monastery at Kinnoull, Perth between 12th and 14th April. This is a beautiful space, to which we return frequently. This year twenty-five of us gathered for a retreat led by Bridget Hewitt called “The Voice of this Calling” – a suitably enigmatic title I felt! The retreat was silent from Friday evening until Sunday after Bridget’s last talk. We had four wonderful talks in all, each one both absorbing and interesting. Bridget’s underlying focus was the environmental crisis, which was both pertinent and challenging.

This felt like a very happy retreat. The environment around Kinnoull is really beautiful, with the Monastery being just on the path up to Kinnoull hill. Wonderful views are to be had from there, looking over the River Tay and the city of Perth. We had plenty of free time in which to enjoy the situation. The meditation sessions were all ably facilitated by different C.M.S. people, and we finished with a wonderful Agape meal, led by Jan Bundy. An Agape meal was new to me and many others. It proved to be a beautiful, and moving experience, and the feedback was very positive – so much so that we hope to repeat it next year.

All in all, this retreat was a wonderful experience, and special thanks go to: Jan Bundy, Jane Christie, Pat Hay, Fiona Kernohan, and David Noyce each of whom contributed hugely to its success.

Grateful thanks also go to Bridget – I hope we can lure her back again one day!

Lynda Stark

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