The School

The School is the supporting, teaching and nurturing public face of the WCCM in the UK. The School’s mission is to spread the seeds of the teaching of Christian meditation in the John Main tradition. The School remains constantly focussed on these words of John Main: “The modern Christian’s mission is to resensitise his contemporaries to the presence of a spirit within themselves. He or she is not a teacher in the sense that he is providing answers that he has looked up in the back of a book. She is truly a teacher, when, having found her own spirit, she can inspire others to accept the responsibility of their own being, to undergo the challenge of their own innate longing for the Absolute, to find their own spirit.”

So it can never be a question of doing a training course, getting a certificate and a training manual and going out to deliver the same material. But we can be teachers-in-community, sharing what we have experienced and understood so far, in order to show others a way to “actual experience and knowledge of being on the pilgrimage themselves and being led thereon by a power within themselves and beyond themselves.” The real Teacher is always Jesus the Teacher Within, working in us and through us.

The School team in the UK focusses on organizing two things.  One is called ‘The Essential Teaching Workshop’. This is run both as a series of Zoom sessions or as a residential weekend. We come together to revisit the basic teaching, its history and the meditation journey. We share our own experience, listen to the wisdom of the ages, and wonder about how we can share the gift we have received.

The other is called The School Retreat. It is a week of very complete silence, with 7 or 8 periods of meditation each day and it’s about going deeper. Going deeper always loosens the ego and uncovers our desire to serve. Who can know in advance where that will take us? The regular periods of meditation are interwoven with lectio divina, a daily talk from one of the retreat facilitators, contemplative walking and gentle exercise.

In the UK, the School  team comprises of Liz Watson, Carole Dixon and Ailsa Adamson and those supporting the team as co facilitators in any year.

Details of all upcoming events organised by the UK School team are advertised in the UK newsletter and on the events page. For more information contact Ailsa Adamson.

We hope to see you soon!

The School team