Meditation with Children in Schools
Sharing meditation with adults you often hear them say ‘I wish I had been taught this earlier.’ They may be surprised to hear that WCCM has been sharing this gift in schools for over ten years here in the UK and in many countries round the world.
Initially well over 100 primary schools in England, Scotland and Wales asked for in service for their staff, and requests continued up until the start of Covid.
Research and experience had shown the tremendous value meditation has for the children and the staff. However the meditators who worked with the schools originally have moved on and now there are very few meditators able to offer the in service and subsequent support to schools.
This is very rewarding work. The initial response of children is to love to meditate. They love the silence and the calm and the sense of being all held in God’s love. The classes become more settled and children notice how they are kinder to each other. They learn to use meditation to help themselves by meditating at home if they feel upset, having experienced how it settles them.
This is all reinforcing for everyone; but teachers change school, even Head teachers move and the new person may not be familiar with meditation. Experience shows us that we need to be able to give continued support to the schools.
Recently the WCCM published International Guidelines for this work throughout the world. This has given us a new impetus and here in the UK we are asking our meditators to help.
In order to offer this support meditators would need to be familiar with the in service training we offer to schools and so online sessions will be provided. Meditators would be paired up and have the support of someone who has previously given this input to schools.
We have two videos here to give you some initial idea of what is involved. The first is very short and is intended to remind Head teachers what Christian meditation is about.
The second (9 minutes) is intended to answer some of the questions teachers ask.
There is also the link to the information for schools here. It was prepared by Meditatio the outreach part of WCCM.
Please contact me if you want to know more. My contact details are on the Contacts Page.
Pat Hay
Coordinator for Meditation with Children in Schools