“Sit Down And Be Quiet! (You are drunk and this is the edge of the roof)”
“SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET! (You are drunk and this is the edge of the roof)”
a silent meditation retreat
Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Turvey, Nr Bedford
16th – 18th May, 2025
The words of the great Persian Sufi poet Rumi speak to each of us – and to humanity as a whole – just as urgently as they did nearly 800 years ago. In this silent retreat our intention is to follow his advice. The practice of meditation will be central, with several sessions in the course of each day. We will also gently explore what his arresting insight might mean for us, individually and collectively, as we listen to short talks from the facilitators, practise our sitting and walking meditation, share silent meals, wash up, and find ways to be together, opening to Father John Main’s wise affirmation that “meditation creates community”.
3pm FRIDAY, 16th May to 3pm Sunday, 18th May
Residential plus all meals £195, Non-residential plus lunch £75
Turvey, Bedfordshire MK43 8DH
FACILITATORS: Jim Green and Edmund Giszter
For more information about the retreat, contact: silentretreat@greenjim.co.uk or Edmund on 07977 533620
This information is available as a flyer.
Image: Jim Green