The WCCM in the UK National Council meeting is held every year and is an opportunity for leaders in the community to come together to discuss where we are and where we are heading.
In November 2024 over 30 people gathered on Zoom to meditate together, share their thoughts and set some priorities for 2025. The focus was ‘Back to Basics’ and this was covered in three main sessions:
♦ Reports and Reflection,
♦ Encouraging and Resourcing offered through The School,
♦ Formation Training and creating a clearer picture of Outreach activities.
Having reorganised ourselves better to meet the demands of our changing community over the last year, the priorities which were agreed build on this and highlight what is important for the UK community.
The 2024 National Council Priorities list is below.
There is often uncertainty around whether to attend the National Council meeting as it is sometimes perceived as a business meeting, but it is much more than that. The National Council is an important community gathering and is contemplative, interesting, informative and a great opportunity to get to know people.
All Area Team members and Special Interest Coordinators will be invited to join the National Coordinating Team for the 2025 National Council meeting to be held on October 17/19th at Shallowford House Retreat Centre, Staffordshire.
I hope to see some of you there.
Julie Roberts
National Liaison
Priorities for 2025
- Outreach and beyond
- Promote the Outreach Survey and the WCCM theme 2025 – The Risk of Living Together.
- Encourage building connections and partnering with Universities, Chaplaincies and other Christian organisations.
- Encourage developing the work of those with Learning Disabilities, expanding out into wider neuro-divergent areas.
- Encourage re-emphasis and reinforcement on climate concern/issues.
- Support the development of the Contemplative Church network.
- Consider tours for inspirational speakers.
- Encourage a light touch with our encounters, being mindful of religious language.
- Community Life
- Validate the links between local meditators and the national community.
- Continue the development and consolidation of Area Teams, keeping a flexible approach.
- Maintain The School at the heart of everything, considering and developing new initiatives.
- Encourage integration of meditators with the Oblate community.
- Publicise the ‘How to Meditate’ video’ widely.
- Clarify the difference between the UK and International websites.
- Look at how to make short, more useable versions of Videos/CD’s available on the UK website.
- Explore how the Office communicates updates.
- Personal Practice
- Encourage personal sharing about meditation practice.
- Encourage deepening practice through attendance at quiet days etc.