

This page represents a chronological archive of all news items. You may browse the list and click to view and item, or simply use the search form.


Newsletters – October 2024 Issue

The latest issues of Meditation News, the UK Community Newsletter, and the WCCM International Newsletter are now available to download and read here for free. (The next WCCM International Newsletter

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Meditatio News

The experience of the ‘Pools of Grace’ Gathering at Minsteracres planted many important ideas concerning shared Meditatio/WCCM UK residential events in the future. It is very important to listen to

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Editor’s Farewell

Readers may recall that a request for a new editor for the newsletter went out last year and I am happy to say that we now have one to take

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Caroline Price

Caroline Price, who died in October 2023 at the age of 72, was a wonderful lady who is sorely missed by her friends in the Bristol/Bath meditation community and by

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WCCM in the UK School

Autumn in The School… Four-Day Silent Retreat: 19-22 November 2024 Designed as a ‘stepping-stone’ experience for those unsure of committing to our full Seven-Day Silent Retreat. Each of the two

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Where is God?

We have always been here; a human being is God’s being, temporarily clothed in human attributes. In silent prayer, we journey through layers of experience—thinking, feeling, relating—until we reach our

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The Ocean of Life – Bob Morley

The Ocean of Life Here we are, each seemingly a small dropIn the infinite ocean of life on Earth.We see ourselves and others with aMultitude of separate features; this or

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